Date Night

5 05 2010

Director: Shawn Levy

Starring: Steve Carell, Tina Fey, Ray Liotta, Mark Whalberg, William Fichtner, Mark Ruffalo, Kristen Wiig, James Franco, Mila Kunis, Taraji P. Henson. Basically, if they’re an actor, they were in this movie.

Genre: Comedy.

Year: 2010

Running Time: hour and a half

Plot synopsis: Steve Carell and Tina Fey’s attempt at a date night as a middle-aged couple ends up to be much more like a movie then they originally intended. Hilarity ensues.

Review: A lot of fun. Sure, some dumb moments where they carry a mildly funny joke on a bit too long until it becomes a, well…not mildy funny joke anymore, but overall it has a lot of comical moments, some plain movie fun moments, and it’s always a good time watching Tina Fey and Steve Carell improvise.

Watch for:

  • Mark Whalberg being able to make fun of himself. Very cool.
  • James Franco. Yep. Just him. When he’s not trying to do dramatic work, I personally think he’s one of the funniest dudes on the planet.
  • the cab driver character being a blatant rip-off of the car driver character from Speed.
  • William Fichtner continuing his trend from Heat, Contact, Dark Knight, Blades of Glory, Equilibrium, etc., and stealing every scene he’s ever in.

Film or Movie: Movie.

Popcorn Factor: For sure. Very fun.

Buy It: Eh…

Rent It: Aye.

‘Look at me! Wrong!’

(‘Your pecs make me want to kill myself.’ Best line of the movie. And yes, I am showing a shirtless pic of Mark Whalberg. I just wish I looked like that. Please don’t judge me.)